Manage any manner of pooled investments, from onshore funds with side pockets and lot level details, to offshore funds with multi-currency share classes and series or equalization, each with their own fee structures. Capture all capital transactions, including subscriptions, redemptions, dividends, transfers, assignments, and rollups. Whether you charge fees, accrue fees, or simply note the fees for billing outside of the fund, Backstop Accounting, previously Cogency, can handle the countless management and incentive fee arrangements found in hedge funds and funds of hedge funds.
Perform all capital accounting for private equity, including investor commitments, calls and distributions, income allocation, and fee and carry calculations. Automate cumbersome management fee calculations based on commitment or called capital, and carry and distribution calculations based on waterfalls that include a hurdle and additional tiers.
Whether you allow for subsequent closes, or let investors choose their preferred investments, Backstop Accounting provides a complete accounting solution to fit your private equity operational workflow.